Have You Ever Wondered?
Personal Testimony of a faithful member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints
This is NOT an official page of
the Church
However the truths contained
herein are in exact accordance with Church teachings.
Have You Ever Wondered? |
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Before exploring this page and all the links, including the "Lake
Applet" pictures of my favorite temples, may I invite you to point your
browser here and read what the Lord's chosen servant, Gordon B. Hinckley, has
written and entitled: |
Here are more questions of an eternal nature - answered! |
Simply click here to visit my other humble
The Book of Mormon
Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints
There are more answers to other questions such
as, "Are Mormons Christian?", "What Is The Book of
Mormon?", "Why Are There No Crosses On Mormon Buildings?".
Click Here for More: Have You
Ever Wondered?
Can I know the answers to the questions above, and many more, for sure ?
Each of these questions have true and correct answers. The way to know is by following the exhortation of Moroni above. I promise you in the name of Jesus Christ that I know you can find out for yourself. I firmly believe that there are untold thousands here on earth who are searching and looking and waiting for the truth, yet they know not where to find it. Are you one of them? Search your heart right now.
There is no cost for this information. You are not now, nor will you ever be asked to send one penny, or buy anything whatsoever. You will never be asked to donate money in any way to anyone or any organization for answers contained herein. All you have to do is ask. All you have to do is exercise the free agency you brought with you to this earth and simply ask. And if you will exercise even a small portion of faith, then build upon that foundation, I promise you the answers will come.
You are invited to click on this link to communicate with someone who has been there, where you are, and has learned for himself the answers to all these questions, simply CLICK HERE and I'll answer each and every letter. I would love to hear from you whenever you are ready. May God bless you for your desire to find answers to your questions.
The links in this table will take you to pages with "Lake Applet"
pictures, like this one, of some of my favorite temples. Each page has
interesting information about the particular temple along with excerpts from
the dedicatory prayer. Your comments in my guestbook about the applet
effects will be appreciated.
(More soon - why not suggest one of your favorite temples for "Lake
Applet" placement?) CLICK
Point your browser here to: Meet the General
Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
When a prophet speaks -- Listen Information
about General Conferences of the LDS Church in all languages
Speeches from General Authorities Read the words of
true messengers from God
Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
From Official Church Policy, The First Presidency of the LDS Church, The Family: A Proclamation to the World
The Official LDS
Church Site : [Deseret
Book On - Line] A very special site with
detailed information on LDS Temples around the world by webmaster Richard
Satterfield [Temples
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints]
A great site for LDS links [ Scotts' LDS
Links ]
A great LDS site [ All About Mormons ]
The LDS Church Owned: Brigham
Young University BYU
Hawaii BYU
Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies
Read about the "MORMON PIONEERS" This will inspire you ,
just CLICK
web site is featured at DESERET'S BEST WEB SITES
Search Deseret's Best LDS Web Sites. Use onekey word |
sign my guestbook and leave any questions or comments you care to - Thank You.
Go here for a free copy of The
Book of Mormon
Point your browser here to receive a FREE copy of the King James Version of the Holy Bible
Interested in tracing your family
tree? Genealogy can Begin Here
For a free copy of "The Lamb of God" video - dial
more "Have You Ever Wondered" questions and answers about the
Click Here for More:
Have You Ever Wondered?
Please EMail me directly if you would
like. Your questions and comments are welcomed.
My name is Ken Jackson and I live in Bailey,Colorado
Sometimes even the most articulate and inspiring words fail to bring the desired change because of the hearer’s refusal to listen, but we need to be ready even if he is not. Ready not only with content, but with conviction. A casual, uncaring testimony may not be an effective witness at all.
Elder Neal A. Maxwell. An Apostle of the Lord, a member of the Council of the Twelve Apostles, from his book, (A Time to Choose, p. 74.)
It is my sincere prayer that the information contained on my page, and the links to other pages, will be sufficient to inspire the reader to go to the source of all good news, our Father in Heaven, and in a state of humility ask for him/herself to know if these things are true. If, however, even after my "not-so-casual" testimony contained above, the reader needs to challenge, or at least come to a better understanding of some of the criticisms of the LDS faith, then may I suggest following this link to:
Frequently Asked Questions About Latter-Day Saint Beliefs
Please point your browser here and visit a page I have dedicated to links to
all the services, search engines,and other just plain "Good Folks"
who have helped to promote my efforts on the WWW. You are sure to find
links to services that will greatly assist you in your web page building and promoting
efforts. Most of all -IT'S ALL FREE! Thanx , Ken
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