The Jordan River Temple
The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Temple Dedication:
November 16, 1981 by Marion G. Romney
10200 South 1300 West; South Jordan, Utah (about 15 miles south
of Salt Lake City in South Jordan)
15 acres.
Finish: Cast stone with white marble chips. Although the tower
appears to be of the same material, it actually contains fiberglass in
a product called cemlite in order to reduce weight.
Temple Design:
Modern single spire design.
Number of
Rooms: Six ordinance rooms and seventeen sealing.
Total Floor
Area: 153,641 square feet.
Current Temple
Schedule: Jordan
River Temple Schedule
Prayer Excerpt: "We are thankful that Thou didst inspire
Thy prophet, Brigham Young, to lead Thy people to this beautiful and peaceful
valley; that Thou didst inspire him to plan the Salt Lake Temple, whose
pointed spires, reaching toward heaven, symbolize the eternal quest of
Thy children for the blessing of exaltation in Thy holy presence. We are
thankful too that Thou didst inspire Thy prophet in this day to select
the beautiful site for this
edifice on which still another holy temple has been erected in this valley.
We are grateful for those who, in their generosity, donated this site for
this purpose, and for all who have given so generously of their means,
their time, their skills, and their strength to make possible this sacred
house. May each contributor, whether of money or services or goods, rejoice
in the opportunity to assist in Thy holy work."
The First Presidency's 1978 announcement of the building of a second temple
in the Salt Lake Valley came as a surprise to many. Even though the building
of the Ogden and Provo temples had been completed less than ten years earlier,
the increasing number of members in the area was creating serious overcrowding
in the Salt Lake Temple. Hence, construction commenced on the new
Jordan River Temple. The extensive use of stained glass combined with nighttime
floodlighting makes the temple a prominent landmark, easily seen from many
parts of the valley. When it was dedicated in 1981, it had the largest
capacity of any temple in the Church having six endowment rooms that could
seat up to 125 persons each. This made it about 25 percent larger than
the similarly designed Ogden and Provo temples. During the dedication,
Elder Mark E. Peterson spoke powerfully about the necessity of work for
the dead. "His testimony of the Savior brought tears to many eyes." Several
people present described a "light that seemed to radiate from his face
as he spoke." He later confirmed to his family of "the strength of the
Spirit he had felt."
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