Ken's Stuff

 Me camping in the Rockies
June 26, 1998
Me at home
I have green eyes
 Me at church
June 28, 1998

 Life is great here in the Rockies.   I have the beauty and majesty of the mountains around me, my 15 year old son, my dear friends at church, the freedom to come and go as I please and do whatever I want.  Something, however, is missing.

Living without the companionship of a loving wife is difficult at best.  I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth with all it has to offer.  Yet I have no wife to share it all with.  That's the hard part.  I know, however, that somewhere out there she lives and breathes.  As yet we have not met but someday we will.  It is to her that I dedicate this,  all my hopes, dreams, and desires.  All that an eternity of loving companionship can offer.  Someday she will read these words, see the nutty humor in my pages plus the sincerety that comes from my heart, and she will know then as I know now how very much I love her.

On that day she will fill in the blank space on this page, and in my life.  So my beloved and precious _____________ I loved you then, I love you now, and I will love you forever.  Until we meet and fall instantly in deep and abiding love, may God bless you and keep you now and always. 

If I live to be a hundred, I never again want to experience another broken heart.  A heart of glass is not to be desired or hoped for.  A broken heart is not to be experienced, or caused - not ever!
  Heart of Glass
RIGHT CLICK if you want to break my heart of glass 
Ladies only - Please write                                                            This page was  July 03, 1998
Wanna chat ladiesI'm on ICQ at 841875                                          Thank you special person number
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